Heinlein In The Comics

I’m proud of this small bit of scholarship. This article wouldn’t be anywhere near as impactful without the graphics talent of Mark Bult, the Managing Editor of The Heinlein Journal. He not only created the cool image that starts the article but went after quality graphics and scans when I gave him some pitiful camera-snaps. His composition skills herald why THJ is an award-winning publication!  The full issue containing this article is linked for purchase (or a free download if you are an active Heinlein Society member) or you can read Heinlein In The Comics extracted for educational purposes only.






One response to “Heinlein In The Comics”

  1. JT Avatar

    Thanks to THS members Steve Raiteri and Bill Mullins, I have an addendum to the article. I missed a DIFFERENT adaptation of _Destination Moon_ as an eight-page story in issue #1 of DC’s “Strange Adventures”, cover date August-September 1950. It was scripted, according to https://www.comics.org/issue/8377/ , by Gardner Fox, with pencils by Curt Swan.

    My apologies for missing this instance of Heinlein in the Comics and my thanks again to Steve and Bill for making sure I knew about it so I could include it, at least in this comment.

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